The Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) is an Arm’s Length Body sponsored by the Department of Health (DoH) to train postgraduate medical and dental professionals for Northern Ireland. NIMDTA also seeks to serve the government, public and patients of Northern Ireland by providing specialist advice, listening to local needs and having the agility to respond to regional and national requirements.
NIMDTA commissions, promotes and oversees postgraduate medical and dental education and training throughout Northern Ireland. NIMDTA endeavours to attract and appoint individuals of the highest calibre to recognised training posts and programmes. NIMDTA encourages doctors to train and remain in NI so that Health and Social Care (HSC) has a highly competent medical and dental workforce with the essential skills to meet the changing health needs of its population.
NIMDTA organises and delivers the recruitment, selection and allocation of doctors and dentists to foundation, core and specialty training programmes. NIMDTA supports trainees with the aim of maximising their potential to successfully progress, complete training and be appointed to permanent posts in NI. NIMDTA manages the quality of postgraduate medical and dental education in HSC Trusts and in general medical and dental practices through learning and development agreements, the receipt of reports, regular meetings, trainee surveys and inspection visits. It works in close partnership with local education providers to ensure that both the training and supervision of trainees support the delivery of high quality safe patient care. NIMDTA provides trainees with a wide range of opportunities to gain experience in leadership, quality improvement, research and teaching.
NIMDTA trains clinical and educational supervisors and recommends them to the General Medical Council (GMC) for recognition of their role. NIMDTA selects, appoints, trains and develops educational leaders for foundation, core and specialty medical and dental training programmes throughout NI.
NIMDTA is accountable to the GMC for ensuring that the standards set by the GMC for medical training, educational structures and processes are achieved. Revalidation is the process by which the GMC confirms that doctors are up to date and fit to practice. NIMDTA is the Designated Body for doctors in training and has a statutory role in making recommendations to the GMC to support the revalidation of trainees. NIMDTA is also responsible to the GDC for the Standards for Specialty Education.
NIMDTA enhances the standard and safety of patient care through the organisation and delivery of career development for general medical and dental practitioners and dental care professionals. It also supports the career development of general medical practitioners and the requirements for revalidation through the management and delivery of GP appraisal.
NIMDTA has been integrated as lead employer for Doctors and Dentists in training (DDiT) across the HSC. The aim of this service is to provide a high quality continuous employment experience for DDiT.
NIMDTA plays a key role in attracting DDiT to the HSC, and in creating an environment where they wish to continue to remain practising within the HSC.
NIMDTA carries out these roles on behalf of the DoH by focussing on the needs of people (population, trainees, trainers and NIMDTA staff), in partnership with key stakeholders and by upholding the HSC Values – openness and honesty, compassion, excellence and working together.