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Cookies: How we use information on our website:

We use cookies on our website to make it clear, useful and reliable. In order to achieve this and to provide certain personalised features we store a small amount of data about you. Find our more here. By navigating from the front page to other sections of our website, you are consenting to information being stored.

What are our priorities and how are we doing

Strategies, plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.

Annual Reports

Business Plans

Strategic Plan

Reports from Regulatory Bodies

  • General Medical Council (GMC)
  • General Dental Council (GDC)

Reports on Visits to Local Education Providers

Audit Reports

Minutes of the Annual Accountability Review Meeting with the DHSSPS (except where they include information of a personal and confidential nature)

Equality and Diversity Reports

Complaints monitoring report

Service User Surveys