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Dental Continuing Education

The Dental Continuing Educational (CE) team provides a variety of courses covering all areas of dentistry. These include a mixture of all day, half day and evening events as well as in-practice sessions to suit the requirements and needs of all of the profession. All courses provided by NIMDTA’s CE team meet the GDC requirements for enhanced CPD. We provide courses

  • In response to new and current legislation and guidance
  • In response to your evaluations and feedback
  • To assist all dental professionals to comply with regulatory bodies standards
  • To stimulate interest in new methods and modes of working
  • To encourage all dental members to meet, discuss and learn from their mentors and peers

Please note, some of our courses may be supported by commercial companies, however NIMDTA does not endorse the products, equipment or materials provided by these companies.

In-Practice Training Sessions

Delivering education directly within the practice setting, where dental care is provided, is often the most efficient method for the entire dental team.

This approach integrates learning into the actual work environment, making it more relevant and practical. For many practices, organising on-site training is more convenient than traveling to various locations for meetings.

Commencing 2025, arranging in-practice training sessions for your staff will be even simpler.

For more details, please visit our online course platform, MedAll - NIMDTA In Practice Training Session.


We're streamlining our delivery to shape the future of dentistry!


In-Practice Training Sessions 2025



NIMDTA deliver courses for Dentists and all Dental Care Professionals.

A variety of course delivery is offered:


Face to face

In practice

Hands on


If you have any problems with the registration, payment or booking of a course you are interested in then please do contact us at or ring on 028 95360221 and we will be happy to guide you through the process.

CPDA Any Dentist who is eligible to claim CPD Allowance should complete the claim form available from the BSO website.



MedAll replaces Accent Course Manager and now hosts all NIMDTA CE Courses.  MedAll can be accessed at MedAll — Healthcare training for everyone.

All online courses will be run via the MedAll platform alongside access to course materials, payment facilitation and course evaluation.

⚠️ IMPORTANT - When booking or attending a course via the MedAll App, please ensure you have installed the latest software version. NIMDTA will not be responsible for any access issues.

All CPD courses held on MedAll include aims, objectives, learning outcomes and GDC development outcomes as per GDC guidance.

Please note that previously held Accent Course Manager accounts will not automatically transfer to MedAll.  Please therefore ensure that you register for a free MedAll account MedAll | Healthcare training for everyone | MedAll.

For further support please contact

Registration is open to all members of the dental team.

Please register for a free MedAll account MedAll | Healthcare training for everyone | MedAll and select NIMDTA Dental Courses, Events and Simulation within Communities.  This will enable you to view all upcoming NIMDTA CE courses.

Following attendance at any of the Dental CPD Courses delegates will be asked to provide feedback. Receiving constructive evaluations for courses that have been attended helps not only the speakers delivering the course, to ensure that they are providing good quality information but also provides NIMDTA with vital information regarding the courses as a whole.

Once the online evaluation has been completed delegates can then access their Certificate of Attendance and download for keeping in their professional portfolio.

Feedback can be completed on MedAll immediately following an online course. 

The CE Team will provide guidance on completion of feedback on MedAll for all other courses.

Please find below guidance from MedAll on attendance certificates:

Getting an attendance certificate using MedAll | MedAll Help Center

The enhanced CPD scheme started on 1st January 2018 for dentists and 1st August 2018 for dental care professionals.

The main changes to the scheme are:

  • ​The requirement for all dental professionals to have a personal development plan (PDP);
  • An increase in the number of verifiable hours for most professional titles and the requirement to spread the hours more evenly across the five year cycle;
  • Dental professionals no longer have to declare non-verifiable CPD to the GDC;
  • The requirement to make an annual statement of CPD hours completed, even if zero hours have been completed for that year;
  • The requirement to align CPD activity with specific development outcomes;
  • The requirement for professionals to plan CPD activity according to their individual “field(s) of practice”.The Hours Requirement 
  • Depending on your registrant title, you must do a certain minimum number of hours of verifiable CPD for each five year cycle, as set out below. You may continue to do non-verifiable CPD, however all hours submitted to the GDC must be verifiable.
  • Dental professionals are strongly advised familiarise themselves with the GDC’s guidance document to understand their CPD obligations for maintaining registration. The guidance document gives dental professionals all the information they need to know, to understand the requirements of the CPD scheme over their CPD cycle.
Registrant Title  Minimum hours of verifiable CPD per five year cycle 
Dentists 100
Dental therapists 75
Dental hygienists 75
Orthodontic therapists 75
Clinical dental technicians 75
Dental nurses 50
Dental technicians 50


CE Newsletters

CE Summer Newsletter 2024


CE Autumn Newsletter 2024


CE Winter Newsletter 2024


CE Summer Newsletter 2023

CE September Newsletter 2023

CE Autumn Newsletter 2023

CE Christmas Newsletter 2023