The Purpose of Assessment in Dental Foundation Training includes the ability to:
- identify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, and progress towards the standard of performance expected upon completion of training.
- demonstrate achievement and readiness to progress to the next stage of training.
- inform the public and the appropriate authorities that the individual is ready for independent practice.
- provide feedback to enhance individuals’ reflection upon and motivation towards achieving personal learning and career goals.
The following assessment tools are used as learning opportunities in the Dental Foundation Programme:
ADEPTS have been designed specifically for the assessment of practical skills.
They score performance in several clinical and generic areas.
Each ADEPT takes a “snapshot” of performance against the standard expected upon completion of training.
A minimum of 18 ADEPTS are completed in DFT.
CBD allows case presentation and subsequent discussions with the trainers to be recorded.
CBD assesses clinical judgement and the application of knowledge with regard to patient care.
A minimum of 10 CBDs are completed in DFT.
MSF is a method of feedback for foundation dentist.
It can assess multiple components of performance and specifically can be assess behaviour and attitudinal aspects.
The PSQ asks patients to anonymously provide ratings on a 9-point scale (development required, satisfactory, outstanding) for areas of communication skills and professionalism.