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The Foundation Programme (FP) is a two-year generic training programme which forms the bridge between medical school and Specialist/General Practice Training.
It is a series of placements in a variety of specialties and healthcare settings.
The Foundation Programme is a UK-wide initiative with a national Curriculum and Learning Portfolio. The Foundation Curriculum is essential as your guide to what you are required to know at the end of your first two years of postgraduate medical training.
Your First Year (F1)
The first year of the Foundation Programme (F1) will build upon the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in undergraduate medical training and the second year of the Foundation Programme (F2) builds upon the knowledge, skills and attributes developed in the first year.
Foundation Year 1 Placement Quality F1 Key Standards
Your Second Year (F2)
The F2 year encompasses the generic competencies applicable to all areas of medicine including: team working, the use of evidence and data, time management, communication and IT skills, although the main focus of training will be the assessment and management of the acutely ill patient. Chronic disease management is important and most doctors will experience this aspect of care integrated into their Foundation training.
The Northern Ireland Foundation School does not offer any F2 programmes outside the Deanery region.
The General Medical Council
The General Medical Council (GMC) is responsible for setting the standards and outcomes for all postgraduate medical education and training.
The Trainee Doctor integrates the mandatory requirements, criteria, responsibility, evidence and guidance required from the Foundation Programme to the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).
Information on the National Curriculum, Learning Portfolio, Operational Framework and Rough Guide to the Foundation Programme are all available from the Foundation Programme Office website.
Trainee Educational Agreement
All trainees in the Northern Ireland Deanery have committed to the following educational agreement:
Trainee Educational Agreement
Foundation School Board
The Foundation School Board is responsible for ensuring foundation training is delivered in accordance with the national standards set by the GMC and guidance developed by the UK Foundation Programme Office.
Click HERE for Information on NI Health and Social Care TrustsClick HERE for Foundation Programme Information
As a Single Lead Employer, we aim to provide you with a consistent and improved employment experience. This means you are free to move around the HSC, without having to change employer as well.
Quality Management refers to the arrangements through which a Deanery satisfies itself that the LEPs are meeting the GMC’s standards.
Quality Assurance is carried out by the GMC and includes the policies, standards, systems and processes in place to maintain and enhance the quality of medical education and training in the UK.
Revalidation is theGeneral Medical Council’s process for regulating licensed doctors to assure patients and the public that licensed doctors are up to date and fit to practise.
The aim of Revalidation is to support doctors in their professional development, helping to improve quality, patient safety and public confidence in the profession.