F1RST – F1 Regional Skills Teaching
This regional resource (in development) is intended to supplement Trust or LEP (Local Education Provider) F1 Core Teaching.
All F1 doctors should attend their Trust programmes which are designed to deliver face to face teaching specifically for F1 doctors. Trust education is the backbone of F1 core learning, and includes simulation sessions which should be recorded and logged on the eportfolio. Simulation teaching can be recorded using the LEARN form.
Please see the list of 15 Core Topics in the FP Curriculum (p80) which should be covered in these programmes at F1 level.
What is NIMDTA LMS (Learning Management System)?
FDs (Foundation Doctors) are enabled to log into this platform in order to access information, documents, and other learning resources.
You will be able to access the LMS from here: NIMDTA LMS: Log in to the site (mylearningapp.com) Please remember your login details
If you have any queries about F1RSTor NIMDTA LMS please contact us directly by emailing foundation.nimdta@hscni.net
Please see some additional guidance below regarding core and non-core learning.