- Role of the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
- The Agency Board
- Organisational Structure
- Where to find us
- Contact Us
- Corporate Services
- Annual Reports
- Complaints
- Data Protection and Freedom of Information
- Equality
- Publication Scheme
- Business Management
- Policies and Procedures
- Privacy Notice
- Dental Foundation Training
- Dental Core Training
- Dental Specialty Training
- Application for a Dental Foundation Training Number (HS48A Form)
- Dental Continuing Education
- Dental Care Professionals
- Dental Simulation Training
- Wellbeing for the Dental Team
- Dental Training Newsletters
- Dental Training - Contact Information
- Refugee and Asylum Seeker Dental Professionals
- Dental Careers
- Foundation Recruitment
- Foundation Educators
- Foundation Doctor Information
- FLiGHT - (Foundation Learning in Generic Hot Topics)
- F1RST - (F1 Regional Skills Teaching)
- Study Leave & Taster Modules
- Curriculum Requirements
- Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)
- TURAS ePortfolio
- Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA)
- SCRIPT Registration
- Absence Notification Procedure
- Special Circumstances
- Inter-Foundation School Transfers (IFST)
- 'Foundation Update' Newsletters
- Foundation Training - Contacts
- Study Leave Support and Guidance
- GP Training - Trainee Assist Pathway Programme
- GP Training - The Full Programme
- GP Training - ePortfolio & Exams
- Out of Hours Training
- GP ST3 Appraisal
- GP Quality Improvement
- EQUIP (Experience in Quality Improvement)
- GP Trainers and Training Practices
- GP Training - Safeguarding Resources
- GP - Key Guidance Forms and Policies
- GP Training - Balint
- GP Training - Contact Information
- Combined Training
- School of Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Medicine
- Broad Based Training (BBT)
- Diagnostics
- Emergency Medicine
- Medicine
- Medical Specialties
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Paediatrics & Child Health
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Information for Newly Appointed Doctors in Training
- iQuest
- Support and Guidance Information
- Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)
- Hospital Specialty Training Committee
- Hospital Specialty - Leadership Opportunities
- Lead Educators Forum
- Hospital Specialty - Newsletters
- Hospital Specialty - Contact Information
- Research for Clinicians Day 2024 - Winners and Highlights!
- Success at first joint Dental Core Trainee & Foundation Dentist Study Day!
- SAS Recognition Award Winners celebrated as part of National #SASWeek24
- ‘Orthodontic Therapy Diploma’ course commencing June 2025
- Clinical Education Day 2024 – “Innovate, Educate, Elevate”
- CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Research for Clinicians 2024
- Trainees thrive at NIMDTA Regional Enhanced Induction Event
- Coffee and Networking Welcome Event
- Educational Excellence Award Winners shine during ADEPT Showcase Event
- Virtual Welcome Event 2024 for Trainees New to Northern Ireland (N2NI)
- PSW Masterclass Event Success
- Recruitment to Specialised Foundation Programmes from 2025
- Associate Dean appointed for SAS Career Development
- National Success for Northern Ireland Foundation School
- PSW host successful ‘Masterclass Session’
- Clinical Education Day 2023 – “High Quality Education for All”
- Turner Warwick Prize Award for ADEPT Fellow
- New 'Simulation Based Education' Newsletter released!
- PSW release Episode One in a new Podcast Series!
- #ChooseGPNI….your pathway to a GP career in Northern Ireland
- Virtual Welcome Event for trainees New to Northern Ireland (N2NI)
- New Placement Quality Survey - NOW OPEN!!!
- Educational Excellence Day 2023
- Attention Final Year Medical Students!!!
- Educational Excellence Awards 2023
- Become a Peer Mentor
- Statement on behalf of NIMDTA
- Your COURSE BOOKING SYSTEM IS CHANGING on Monday 9th January 2023
- NIMDTA ADEPT Fellows host Breakfast Session with UK Chief and Deputy Chief Medical Officers
- 2023 BMA MEDFASH Prize
- Dr Ian Steele reflects on a successful 20-year tenure as he announces retirement from NIMDTA
- Statement on continued derogations in medical education and training
- Clinical Education Day 2022 – A welcome return to ‘in-person’ conferencing…”
- Planned Closure – Bank Holiday Monday 19 September 2022
- Trainee Welcome Event 2022
- NIMDTA Welcomes New ADEPT Fellows for the training year 2022-2023
- General Dental Council calls for urgent focus on CPD renewal
- Awards celebration for the ADEPT Fellows of 2021/2022
- ST3 GP Trainees bring unique ways to share knowledge during their Celebration Day!
- NIMDTA ‘Zoom In’ on Success for its Educational Excellence Awards 2022
- Why Choose NI?
- Working in Health Care in Northern Ireland
- Accommodation Support and Information
- Finance Support and Information
- Childcare and Schools
- Healthcare Support and Information
- Internet/ Mobile Phone/ Television - help with getting connected
- Transport Options in Northern Ireland
- Places to Worship - Religion & Spirituality
- Entertainment and Activities
- N2NI Checklist
Support Resources
BMA Doctors for Doctors
This is an excellent resource to give an overview of services available for doctors’ well-being. The lines are staffed by professional telephone counsellors.
Website: http://bma.org.uk/doctorsfordoctors
Tel: 08459 200169 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
BMA Wellbeing Services
The BMA’s Wellbeing Services include a range of free and confidential services and information to help support doctors and medical students:
- Confidential 24/7 counselling line, and Peer support service for all doctors and medical students on 0330 123 1245
- BMA members, plus their partners and dependents, can also access a free structured course of up to six sessions of therapy with a counsellor
- A UK wellbeing support directory detailing various support services by geographical availability on their sources of support page
For further information visit: www.bma.org.uk/advice/work-life-support/your-wellbeing/counselling-and-peer-support
Doctor Advice Service
The Doctor Advisor service runs alongside BMA Counselling giving doctors and medical students in distress or difficulty the choice of speaking in confidence to another doctor.
If a Doctor Advisor learns that patients may be in danger, he or she has a duty, as a doctor, to act to prevent harm.
The issues you can get help with below include:
- Accommodation
- Addiction
- Bereavement
- Counselling and support
- Defence bodies
- Disabilities
- Equal opportunities
- Financial support
- Mental health
- Relationships
- Royal Colleges
- Stress
- Training and education
Tel: 08459 200 169
Alcohol Concern
The national umbrella body for 500 local agencies; tackling alcohol-related harm and offering help to the families and friends of those with alcohol-related problems.
Website: http://www.alcoholconcern.org.uk/
Alcoholics Anonymous
This is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; they are self-supporting through their own contributions. Their primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.co.uk
British Doctors and Dentists Group
This is a service for recovering alcoholic and drug dependent doctors, dentists and students.
Website: http://www.bddg.org/
Foundation 66
Formerly known as the 'Alcohol Recovery Project', Foundation 66 provides quality services for those with drink-related problems, their friends and families.
Website: http://www.foundation66.org.uk/
Gamblers Anonymous
This is a fellowship of men and women who have joined together to do something about their own gambling problems and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same.
Website: http://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/
Tel: 08700 50 88 80
GamCare provide support, information and advice to anyone suffering through a gambling problem.
Open 8am-2am, 7 days a week.
Website: http://www.gamcare.org.uk/
Helpline: 080845 6000 133
Tel: 020 7801 7000
Email: info@gamcare.org.uk
Medical Council on Alcohol
This is an organisation of registered medical practitioners with a view to understanding alcoholism, its prevention, treatment and after-care of alcoholics.
Website: http://www.m-c-a.org.uk/Home/home
Narcotics Anonymous
A non-profit, international, community based organisation for recovering addicts active in over 60 countries.
Narcotics Anonymous members learn from one another how to live drug free and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives.
Website: http://www.ukna.org/
Email: helpline@ukna.org
'Release' offer a range of specialist services to professionals and the public concerning drugs and the law.
They provide advice to drug users, their families, friends, and statutory and voluntary agencies.
Advice is free, professional, non-judgmental and confidential.
Website: http://www.release.org.uk/
Tel: 0845 450 0215
Email: ask@release.org.uk
Sick Doctors Trust
The 'Sick Doctors Trust' provide early intervention and treatment for doctors suffering from addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
Website: http://www.sick-doctors-trust.co.uk/
Cruse Bereavement Care
Cruse Bereavement Care offer free information and advice to anyone who has been affected by a death.
They provide support and counselling one to one and in groups. They offer education, support, information and publications to anyone supporting bereaved people. They increase public awareness of the needs of bereaved people through campaigning and information service.
Website: https://www.cruse.org.uk
Helpline: 0844 477 9400
Email: helpline@cruse.org.uk or info@cruse.org.uk
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Their website provides a facility which enables a search for a therapist in a particular area. They might be able to help with whatever problems are presented.
Website: http://www.bacp.co.uk/
Tel: 08704435252
Email: bacp@bacp.co.uk
Carers UK and Carers Online
This is the organisation representing the UK’s 5.7 million carers.
Website: http://www.carersuk.org/
Tel: 02074908818 Tel: 0345573369 (Carer’s Line)
Email: info@ukcarers.org
Citizens Advice Bureau
The Citizens Advice Bureau give free, confidential, impartial and independent advice on a limitless range of subjects. They include debt, benefits, housing, legal matters, employment, immigration and consumer issues.
The Citizens Advice Bureau is open to everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality or disability.
Website: http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
They provide doctors and dentists working in the London Deanery area with practical advice about their career, emotional support and access to brief or longer term psychotherapy.
The service operates on a strictly confidential basis.
Website: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/professional-development/professional-support-unit
Tel: 020 8938 2411
NHS Practitioner Health Programme
This is a free, confidential service for doctors and dentists who have mental or physical health concerns and or addiction problems, in particular where this may affect work.
The service covers all doctors and dentists living in the London area. There are currently no arrangements for other parts of the UK, but the service accepts referrals on a cost per case basis.
Website: http://www.php.nhs.uk/
Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.
Website: http://www.samaritans.org/
Victim Support Line
This is the national charity which helps people affected by crime. It provides free and confidential support to help you deal with your experience, whether or not you report the crime.
Website: http://www.victimsupport.org.uk/
Tel: 0845 30 30 900
Medical Defence Union (MDU)
This is available for MDU members only. They provide expert help and advice on medico-legal and ethical matters including handling complaints, claims and GMC cases.
It is staffed by a team of medico-legal advisers.
Website: http://www.the-mdu.com/
Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland
This is available for MDDUS members only. They support members with complaints made by patients against them or who are facing disciplinary matters from their employing trust. A highly qualified team of medical and dental professionals gives advice and guidance.
Website: http://www.mddus.com/
Medical Protection Society
This is available for MPS members only. They provide comprehensive professional indemnity and expert advice to doctors, dentists and health professionals around the world.
Website: http://www.medicalprotection.org/uk
Release offersa range of specialist services to professionals and the public concerning drugs and the law.
They provide advice to drug users, their families, friends, and statutory and voluntary agencies.
Advice is free, professional, non-judgmental and confidential.
Website: http://www.release.org.uk/
Tel: 0845 4500 215
Email: ask@release.org.uk
Association of Disabled Professionals
They draw on the expertise of disabled professionals to improve the educational and employment opportunities of disabled people.
Website: http://www.adp.org.uk/
Tel: 01204431638
Email: adp.admin@ntlworld.com
Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss
They provide information, promote advocacy and mentorship, and create a network for individuals with hearing loss interested in or working in health care fields.
Website: http://www.amphl.org/
British Dyslexia Association
They are the voice for dyslexic people. Their vision is to create a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people to reach their potential.
Website: http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/
Tel: 01189668271
Email: helpline@bdadyslexia.org.uk
Deaf Professionals Network
They provide an opportunity to network to share experiences. The website is primarily for deaf professionals who live in and around London.
This website can also be used as a resource for other deaf professionals who cannot attend the network meetings.
Website: http://deafprofessionals.wordpress.com/
Email: enquiries@deafprofessionals.com
DIAL UK stands for Disability Information and Advice Line. They are a national organisation. They are a network of approx. 130 local disability information and advice services run by and for disabled people.
Website: https://www.dialuk.info
Tel: 01302 310123
Disabled Living Foundation Helpline
They are a national charity providing free, impartial advice about all types of disability equipment and mobility products for older and disabled people; their carers’ and families.
Website: http://www.dlf.org.uk/
Tel: 0845 130 9177
Email: advice@dlf.org.uk
Dyslexia Action
They are a national charity and the UK’s leading provider of services and support for people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.
Website: http://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk/
Tel: 01784 222300
Email: info@dyslexiaaction.org.uk
Hope 4 Medics
They are a support group for doctors with disabilities.
Website: http://www.hope4medics.co.uk/about.php
Email: info@hope4medics.co.uk
The UK’s leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
Website: http://www.mencap.org.uk/
Tel: 020 7454 0454
Email: information@mencap.org.uk
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
The Royal National Institute for the Blind supports blind and partially sighted people.
Website: http://www.rnib.org.uk/
Tel: 0845 766 9999
Email: helpline@rnib.org.uk
Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID)
The Royal National Institute for the Deaf supports deaf and hard of hearing people.
Website: http://www.rnid.org.uk/
Tel: 0808 808 0123
Email: informationline@rnid.org.uk
Disability Discrimination Act
The legislation that is in place to promote civil rights for disabled people and protect disabled people from discrimination.
Website: http://www.nidirect.gov.uk/definition-of-disability
Equality Commission
The Equality Commission has the vision of Northern Ireland as a shared, integrated and inclusive place, a society where difference is respected and valued, based on equality and fairness for the entire community.
Website: http://www.equalityni.org
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund is the leading UK charity for doctors, medical students and their families. They provide financial support, money advice and information when it is most needed due to age, ill health, disability or bereavement
Website: http://www.rmbf.org/
The Cameron Fund
They provide support to GPs and their families in times of financial need, whether through ill-health, disability, death or loss of employment
Website: https://www.cameronfund.org.uk
The Doctors Support Network
They aim to provide support, reduce stigma, and campaign for better services for doctors with a range of mental health problems.
Website: http://www.dsn.org.uk/
International Stress Management Association
They promote sound knowledge and best practice in the prevention and reduction of human stress.
Website: http://www.isma.org.uk/
Tel: 0700 780430
Mind Tools
Stress Management Resources from Mind Tools
Website: http://stress.mindtools.com/
- What skills and aptitudes are required for this specialty?
- What is satisfying and what is challenging?
Career Opportunities
- How many training numbers will be advertised this year/next year?
- What are the competition rations for training numbers?
- What are the career opportunities at the end of training?
Training Programme
- How long is the training programme?
- What are the options within training with regard to:
- Subspecialisation?
- Undertaking research?
- Undertaking a clinical or leadership fellowship?
- Obtaining experience outside of Northern Ireland?
- Undertaking other time out of programme?
Preparation for Entry to Training
- What is the structure of the recruitment process?
- What can I do to make myself competitive at recruitment?
- Can you advise on what might be useful:
- Teaching sessions or conferences to attend?
- Courses to undertake?
- Exams to undertake?
- Are there any opportunities to undertake a taster week or work shadowing?
Work-life balance
- What are the opportunities for less-than-full time training?
They work to resolve concerns about the practice of doctors, providing case management services to health care organisations and to individual practitioners. Their aim is to work with all parties to clarify the concerns, understand what is leading to them and make recommendations to help practitioners return to safe practice.
They respond to calls about any aspect of individual or team practice, even where it is not yet clear whether there is evidence of poor practice. They also provide advice on long-standing and complex cases and can discuss concerns without the need for the practitioner to be identified. Contacting them for initial advice does not commit the caller to making further use of our service. Website:
General Practice
Anaesthetics: www.rcoa.ac.uk/careers-and-training/considering-career-anaesthesia
Emergency Medicine: www.rcem.ac.uk/RCEM/About/Careers_in_EM/RCEM/About_Us/Careers_in_EM.aspx?hkey=69b7d2e7-7f7f-4a9a-a83f-d4d546c75f9e
Core Medicine and Medical Specialities: www.rcplondon.ac.uk/education-practice/advice/career-stage/foundation-doctor
Obstetrics and Gynaecology: www.rcog.org.uk/en/careers-training
Paediatrics: www.rcpch.ac.uk/training-examinations-professional-development/careers/careers
Histopathology: www.rcpath.org/discover-pathology/i-want-a-career-studying/human-tissue/histopathology-careers.html
Psychiatry: www.rcpsych.ac.uk/training/careersinpsychiatry.aspx
Public Health: http://www.fph.org.uk/public_health_careers
Radiology and Clinical Oncology: www.rcr.ac.uk/clinical-radiology/careers-and-recruitment
Surgery: www.rcseng.ac.uk/careers-in-surgery/careers-support
Recruitment Sites
www.hscrecruit.com specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk
Career Choice Exploration Resources
Clinic for Boundaries Studies
This is a UK organisation which works around all aspects of professional boundaries and prevention of boundary violation.
Website: https://professionalboundaries.org.uk/faq/
Tel: 0203 468 4194
National Clinical Assessment Service
A division of the National Patient Safety Agency which helps the NHS in handling concerns about the performance of doctors and dentists.
For everything except case advice or support; Tel: 020 7084 3850.
For new case advice in England or Northern Ireland; Tel: 020 7062 1655
Email: advice.service@ncas.npsa.nhs.uk
Website: https://resolution.nhs.uk/services/practitioner-performance-advice/
NCAS Directory of Resources to support Doctors and Dentists
They help with the implementation of recommendations following an NCAS assessment of a doctor or dentist.
They should also be useful in supporting educational programmes for doctors and dentists generally and for identifying further training and programmes following determinations made by the General Medical Council or General Dental Council.
Website: https://resolution.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Back-on-Track-Good-Practice-Guide-2010.pdf
Medical Women's Federation
They represent the interests of women doctors to government and national bodies Website: http://www.medicalwomensfederation.org.uk/
BMA Support Service
Doctors facing GMC fitness to practise cases have access to a confidential support service from the BMA.
Website: http://www.gmc-uk.org/concerns/11542.asp
Tel: 0161 9236 602
Confidential Counselling
As a trainee working with the trusts across Northern Ireland you can access professional confidential counselling services as detailed below:
Belfast Trust - Staff Care Services
Staffcare is the leading provider of counselling and Employee Assistance Programmes in Ireland and throughout the British Isles. Owned by the Belfast Trust, Staffcare operates as an independent business that supports employers, managers and staff by providing a confidential service that is accessible on a 24/7 basis.
How to access the service:
The service is normally accessed on a self-referral basis.
There is also available a 24/7 helpline - 0800 7313 674
For more information on Belfast Trust Staff Care Services, click HERE
All Other Trusts
Inspire Workplaces
Inspire Workplaces (Formerly known as Carecall) is a leading provider of workplace wellbeing solutions, delivering mental health and wellbeing support to some the UK and Ireland’s leading private, public and third sector organisations.
How to access the service:
The service is normally accessed on a self-referral basis.
There is also available a 24/7 helpline - 0808 800 0002
To learn more about the range of Inspire workplaces services, visit the Inspire Wellbeing website.