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How to Maintain Recognition

All recognised trainers are appointed initially for a 5-year term with the option to continue in this role subject to satisfactory annual educational review as part of their appraisal.

This review will enable Trainers to demonstrate that they are remaining up to date for the role to maintain their recognition.

To maintain recognition, it is required that Recognised Trainers complete 20 hours of educational-related learning and development over the five year period. A minimum of 10 hours of this education should be gained from NIMDTA or Trust run education courses, workshops or events. The remaining balance of the 20 hours may include medical educational events run by other organisations or delivered by online learning.

Examples of other organisations which deliver relevant medical educational events include Royal College/BMA/GMC.

How to Maintain Recognition
Approved CPD Courses for Maintaining Recognition

Further information can be found in the NIMDTA Achieving and Maintaining Policy