Welcome to the Specialty Recruitment pages of the NIMDTA website.
From 6 October 2019, all medical practitioners have been added to the Shortage Occupation List in the UK. This means that medical practitioners are exempt from the Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT) when applying to foundation and specialty training programmes, with the exception of Public Health, subject to eligibility.
Specialty Recruitment Update
Specialty Recruitment - Commencing August 2025
Timeline for August 2025 Recruitment
Application Window:
10am Thursday 24 October 2024 - 4pm Thursday 21 November 2024
Applications for all specialties will be made via the Oriel Recruitment System
Specialty |
Level |
Number of vacancies |
Lead Recruiter |
Shortlisting process/ Shortlisting Guidance |
Interview Dates |
Anaesthetics |
CT1 |
16 |
Please check https://anro.wm.hee.nhs.uk/ for further details Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office > Home (hee.nhs.uk) |
26 Feb 2025 |
Anaesthetics |
4 |
Please check https://anro.wm.hee.nhs.uk/ for further details Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office > Home (hee.nhs.uk) |
26 Feb 2025 |
ACCS Emergency Medicine |
ST1 |
12 |
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) interview capacity of 40 |
4 and 5 March 25 |
Cardiothoracic Surgery |
ST1 |
1 |
Please check Cardiothoracic Surgery ST1 and Thoracic ST4 National Recruitment - Working across Wessex (hee.nhs.uk) for further details |
National |
Clinical Radiology |
ST1 |
5 |
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) interview capacity of 40 |
20 & 21 Feb 2025 |
Core Psychiatry |
CT1 |
7 |
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) |
Psychiatry | Medical Hub (hee.nhs.uk)
Core Surgery |
CT1 |
35 |
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) – interview capacity TBC |
27,28 February & 13,14,18 March |
General Practice |
ST1 |
121 |
Please check https://gprecruitment.hee.nhs.uk/ for further details |
N/A – appointment based on MSRA score |
Histopathology |
ST1 |
1 |
Self-Assessment – Interview capacity of 20
4th Feb 2025 |
Internal Medicine |
IM1 |
52 |
Please check for further details |
16,21,28 Jan 2025 |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
ST1 |
12 |
Please check ST1 Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Medical Hub for further details |
National Recruitment |
Ophthalmology |
ST1 |
1 |
Please check Medical Specialty Recruitment | Medical Hub for further details |
National |
Paediatrics |
ST1 |
18 |
Please check https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/education-careers/apply-paediatrics for further details |
6, 25 February 2025 |
Public Health |
ST1 |
1 |
FPH & |
Please check https://www.fph.org.uk/training-careers/recruitment/ for further details |
National Recruitment
*Northern Ireland is planning to perform recruitment as outlined in the table above. If a point is reached where online interviews can no longer take place, appointability may be determined based on scores awarded at shortlisting. This will either be based on MSRA scores or Self-Assessment scores.
Application Window:
10am Thursday 14 November 2024 - 4pm Thursday 5 December 2024
Applications for all specialties will be made via the Oriel Recruitment System
Specialty | Level | Number of Vacancies | Lead Recruiter |
Shortlisting Process |
Shortlisting Guidance | Interview Dates |
Combined Infection Training |
ST3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Click here |
4 April 2025 |
Occupational Medicine |
ST3 |
1 |
Click Here |
National |
Neurology |
ST4 |
2 |
Click Here |
National |
Dermatology |
ST3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 40 |
21st March 25 |
Respiratory Medicine |
ST4 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 40 |
Click Here |
31st January 2025 |
Geriatric Medicine |
ST4 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 40 |
Click Here |
18th February 2025 |
Anaesthetics |
ST4 |
5 |
Please check here for further details |
1st April 2025 |
Emergency Medicine |
ST5/7 |
1 |
Shortlisting |
26th March 2025 |
Palliative Medicine |
ST4 |
0-1 |
NHS England - West Midlands |
National |
Cardiology |
ST4 |
2 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 40 |
Click Here |
11 April 2025 |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
ST3 |
5 |
for further details |
National |
Paediatrics |
ST3 |
2 |
for further details |
National |
Vascular Surgery |
ST3 |
0-1 |
NHS England - London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex |
National |
Haematology |
ST3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
30th January 2025 |
General Surgery |
ST3 |
4 |
NHS England - London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex |
National |
ST3 |
0-1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
25th March 2025 |
Plastic Surgery |
ST3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
3rd March 2025 |
T & O |
ST3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 40 |
6th & 7th March 2025 |
Urology |
ST3 |
2 |
National |
General Psychiatry |
ST4 |
3 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Interview will take place between 24th- 31st March 2025 |
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry |
ST4 |
0-1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Interview will take place between 24th- 31st March 2025 |
Psychiatry of Old Age |
ST4 |
0-1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Interview will take place between 24th- 31st March 2025 |
Psychiatry of Intellectual (Learning) Disability |
ST4 |
0-1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Interview will take place between 24th- 31st March 2025 |
Forensic Psychiatry |
ST4 |
0-1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Interview will take place between 24th- 31st March 2025 |
Clinical Oncology |
ST3 |
0-1 |
NHS England |
National |
Medical Oncology |
ST3 |
0-1 |
NHS England |
National |
Endocrinology |
ST4 |
2 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 40 |
Click Here |
19th March 25 |
Combined Infection Training |
ST4 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Rehabilitation Medicine |
LAT3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Renal |
ST4 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Rheumatology |
ST4 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
Immunology |
ST3 |
1 |
Self-Assessment Interview capacity of 20 |
*Northern Ireland is planning to perform recruitment as outlined in the table above. If a point is reached where online interviews can no longer take place, appointability may be determined based on scores awarded at shortlisting. This will either be based on MSRA scores or Self-Assessment scores.
Specialty Recruitment - Commencing February 2025
Timeline for February 2025 Recruitment
Please note this timeline only relates to the locally (NIMDTA) managed specialties listed below. Nationally recruited specialties will be following the national 2024 timeline.
Applications for all specialties will be made via the Oriel Recruitment System
Specialty |
Level |
Number of vacancies |
Interview Capacity |
Interview Dates |
Acute Medicine |
ST4 |
1 |
20 interview slots |
23 October 24 |
Anaesthetics ST4 |
ST4 |
9 |
20 interview slots |
15 October 24 |
Neurology |
ST4 |
2 |
20 interview slots |
10 October 24 |
Geriatric Medicine |
ST4 |
2 |
20 interview slots |
5 November 24 |
Respiratory Medicine |
ST4 |
1 |
20 interview slots |
11 October 24 |
Medical Oncology |
ST3 |
2 |
20 interview slots |
25 October 24 |
Haematology |
ST3 |
1 |
20 interview slots |
16 October 24 |
Gastroenterology |
ST4 |
1 |
20 interview slots |
31 October 24 |
Applicants Guide
The Applicant Handbook for posts commencing August 2025 is available at Medical Specialty Recruitment | Medical Hub (hee.nhs.uk).
**It is important that all applicants read this guidance as it contains information that applicants will require regarding the recruitment process.
Specific arrangements in Northern Ireland
Please note that Flexibility in Deployment of Trainees is applicable only to England, Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland has separate arrangements for management of requests for Special Circumstances. Further information is available via email to Recruitmentconfidential.NIMDTA@hscni.net
Facilitated Placements will not take place in Northern Ireland for August 2025 in any specialty process.
Deferral of Posts: Deferral for non-statutory reasons within the GP Process will not be facilitated in Northern Ireland.
Competition Ratios can be accessed via the links below:
Shortlisting for the majority of specialties will be performed either via Validated Self-Assessment or MSRA (Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment).
The Vacancy table above provides details of which shortlisting method applies to each specialty.
The Northern Ireland MSRA Applicant Guidance is available here:
A number of the recruiting specialties are using validated self-assessment to shortlist candidates. The method of shortlisting is detailed for all specialties in the vacancy tables above. Where self-assessment is being used candidates are asked to read and follow the guidelines below:
- All Candidates MUST upload evidence for ALL self-assessment domains at time of application.
- All Evidence MUST be uploaded in PDF FORMAT.
- You MUST upload an index page before completing the self-assessment. The index should detail the evidence you have provided for each domain, to help the validators navigate through your evidence. This document MUST be named 00Index.pdf. An approved index template can be downloaded from the document library for this vacancy which illustrates how we expect your evidence to be organised. Failure to provide an index that clearly lists where all required evidence can be found AND which domain it is linked to will result in your application being rejected.
- Please combine evidence for each domain into ONE pdf per domain in the order listed within your index document. Each Domain should then be labelled accordingly (i.e. 01Quals)
- If it is not possible for you to combine documents into one pdf, you will be permitted a max of 5 documents per domain and they should be labelled accordingly (.ie, 01a, 01b, etc. in order based on your index page)
- Please ensure you keep to the naming convention above and DON’T use any non-alphanumeric characters (ie. &*.%$) as this will prevent the transfer of your documents into SharePoint for validation. The naming convention is provided to allow the validation panel to quickly identify your evidence and identify which domain it applies to. If it is not clear from the file name which domain the evidence relates to, the validation panel reserves the right to reject that file.
- It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure uploaded documents FULLY DEMONSTRATE the required evidence based on the rating they have chosen. Failure to do so may result in the score for that domain being reduced. (i.e. if you have claimed that you have presented at a national or international meeting, do not expect your slides alone to be accepted as evidence; instead please upload confirmation from the conference organisers that your presentation was included in the programme of events.) Similarly, if your score depends on a publication having a PubMed reference, please ensure this is clearly visible within your evidence submission.)
- It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure uploaded documents are CORRECTLY ORIENTATED AND LEGIBLE. Failure to do so may result that domain being scored zero.
- ONLY upload documentation directly relevant to your self-assessment. The validating panel cannot be expected to review your entire portfolio. If a candidate is deemed to have uploaded unnecessary documentation that prevents the validation panel from quickly identifying the correct evidence, their application will be rejected.
- You can only claim on the basis of achievements completed at point of submission of your application.
- Scores are not adjustable after submission – you cannot amend your self-assessment score after should you have made a mistake on your application form, or gained an achievement after the submission of your application.
- It is never permissible to share or upload patient identifiable data. Any file found to contain patient identifiable data will be removed from your evidence folder, prior to validation, to prevent it being shared further. NIMDTA may also be obliged to raise this as a GDPR issue and inform your Responsible Officer.
Please click below to download the NIMDTA Audit/QIP Confirmation Form. This form is designed to help candidates evidence the degree of their involvement in Quality Improvement / Audit. One form should be used for each audit / quality improvement project you are claiming points for as part of your self-assessment. This is not the only way to evidence your audits or Quality Improvement projects, but is felt to be an effective way to quickly demonstrate your involvement for review by the validation panel.
All 2025 interviews will be performed online.
NHS managed recruitment will be performed Qpercom VIDS, NIMDTA managed recruitment will also be performed via Qpercom VIDS.
The format of interviews differs between specialties. Each interview process will be approximately 20-30 minutes per candidate with questions which may assess skills such as communication, clinical judgement, prescribing amongst others.
During the interview process, candidates may encounter a lay representative who will be there to ensure the panel is conducting a fair and transparent process.
When you join the interviews you will be admitted into a waiting room until iD Checks take place. Once in the interview, you will initially be asked to hold up photographic ID to the camera and then to rotate your camera around your room. The camera sweep is to allow you to show the panel that you are alone in the room, with no personal belongings. Candidates are also advised that they are not to record the interview nor use a virtual background.
For information regarding National Recruitment Processes, please refer to the lead recruiters’ website.
Information regarding 'Offers of Appointment' is available via the Medical Specialty Recruitment | Medical Hub (hee.nhs.uk)
The following information will be made available on Oriel:
- Your score per station
- Your total score
- Maximum score available
- Your appointability and the minimum score required for appointability
- Your rank and the rank needed to obtain a post
For National Recruitment processes using the digital scoring system, all candidates will receive feedback no later than 7 days after the nationally agreed offers deadline.
Candidates may request feedback by submitting the form below:
Written feedback, other than the information identified above, is not provided. Verbal feedback is also not provided.
Requests for scoresheets / interview notes will be dealt with under the Subject Access Provisions of the Data Protection Act. For details of how to make a request, please visit our Data Protection and Freedom of Information Page.
Reference reports are not used for scoring purposes during shortlisting or interview but will be reviewed during the selection process and again prior to confirmation of appointment for successful applicants.
The reference process is designed to check the accuracy of your previous employment and training history and to provide assurance of your suitability for employment.
You must provide contact details, including up-to-date e-mail addresses, of three referees who have supervised your clinical training within the past three years.
If you are applying to more than one specialty, you may opt to nominate different referees for each specialty.
If you have recently had a career break and can not nominate referees from the past three years, then your referees must include your two most recent supervisors.
You should contact your clinical referees in advance to confirm that they are willing to provide a reference and are available and able to do so in the time period required for selection and appointment.
If you are offered, and accept a training programme, your employer will not be able to issue a contract without references.
It is important that applicants confirm referee email addresses prior to completing the application form.
Once offers have been accepted, referees will be contacted by email with details of their referee account. It is therefore important that email addresses are and for email accounts that are regularly accessed.
Fitness to Practise Declarations
As part of the application process to specialty training, applicants are required to declare any fitness to practise issues to recruitmentconfidential.nimdta@hscni.net. These declarations are held confidentially by the Professional Support Department until the recruitment process is complete. Declarations from successful applicants will be shared with the Trainee Review Group (TRG) to establish if the information provided warrants completion of an individual Transfer of Information (TOI) form. The information will also be forwarded to the Medical Director, Director of Medical Education and Medical HR within each future employing Trust for the duration of the training programme.
Please complete and return the form below to declare any Fitness to Practice issues:
Evidence of Advanced Life Support (ALS)
All CT1/ST1 Person Specifications have as one of their eligibility criteria the possession of an ALS certificate. This will be checked pre-employment, and any offer of a training programme will be conditional upon you presenting it to your first employer or the Deanery.
Further information on the following:
Access NI Checks, Pre-Placement Health Assessment, Right to work and Immigration, can be found HERE
Disability Discrimination Act
You will be asked to identify on your application from if you consider yourself disabled as set out in the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA.)
You will also be asked to give specific arrangements you require to attend interview if invited. This information WILL NOT be available to short-listing or selection panels.
For more information on the DDA please click HERE
When you submit an application for specialty training, you are applying for a place on an educational training programme. You are not applying for a specific programme, rotation or post.
If you are successful at interview, you will be allocated to the most appropriate programme based on your selection score and programme availability.
Your programme preferences will be taken into consideration wherever possible.
You will receive confirmation of your placement and a contract of employment will be issued by the employing organisation, subject to satisfactory pre-placement checks.
Applicants can only defer the start of their specialty training programmes on statutory grounds such as personal ill health or maternity leave.
Commencement cannot be deferred for reasons such as research, except in the case of candidates who have accepted a GP Post (subject to approval).
Applicants who have had a period of ill health or maternity during the training programme from which they are applying will be permitted to defer their entry to specialty training by the same period of time.
Tier 2 visa applicants wishing to defer should also discuss this with the appropriate Tier 2 sponsor to ensure they are able to do so under current immigration rules.
Applicants must complete the form below and forward it to gpspecialtytraining.nimdta@hscni.net or specialty.nimdta@hscni.net as soon as possible after acceptance of post.
Application for Deferral of Commencement of Specialty Training for Hospital Specialty Training applications, NIMDTA will seek support from the appropriate Head of School and Training Programme Director. All applications will be considered by the relevant Head of Department and applicants will be advised by email of the outcome.
Allocation of placements will take place on completion of the recruitment process. If you have special circumstances which need to be considered when allocating your placement, please complete the appropriate documentation in the ‘Special Circumstances – Guidance for Specialty Trainees’ which can be found HERE.
It is inevitable that some applicants will be disappointed by the outcome for the recruitment process as it is a competitive one. A complaints process is an essential safeguard against unfairness. The complaints process for 2025 recruitment appears below:
If an applicant has concerns or complaints about their interview process, they should raise this immediately with the Recruitment Lead before leaving the interview venue. The Recruitment Lead will then complete this form.
Information regarding working patterns, detailed job descriptions, salary scales and Terms and Conditions of Employment for Specialty Training Doctors will be available on each Health Trust website.
Links to each Trust website are available HERE
Our Trust HR Information & Single Lead Employer pages contains details of forms which must be downloaded and completed for commencement of your placement, and also details the documentation you are required to supply on our first day.
Doctors in training require details about the programmes and posts they are applying for, where they will be working and their conditions of employment.
This Code of Practice lays out the agreed set of information that Deaneries and employing Trusts should provide to doctors in training at each stage of the recruitment process.
View Information for Newly Appointed Doctors in Training.
If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact specialty.nimdta@hscni.net