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We use cookies on our website to make it clear, useful and reliable. In order to achieve this and to provide certain personalised features we store a small amount of data about you. Find our more here. By navigating from the front page to other sections of our website, you are consenting to information being stored.

Immediate Requirements

Please download and complete the Acceptance of Placement Form below:

Acceptance of Placement Form

In addition to the form above, there are also a number of forms which MUST be downloaded from this website, completed and returned immediately to the appropriate Trust HR Department (contact details attached see bottom of this page) / Medical Administrator (as appropriate), along with other vital documentation. The Belfast Trust process differs please see below.

Personal Information Form
Bank Details Form
Fitness to Practice Declaration
Starter Checklist

HSC Pension Scheme

Please note: You will now be automatically enrolled into the Pension Scheme as of your start date.

If you do not wish to pay into the pension you can opt out by logging onto the HSC Pensions website at and download the appropriate form.  Please return this form to the Trust Salaries & Wages Department.

Equal Opportunities Form (Southern Trust Only)


The Belfast Trust has just embarked on a new on boarding system which will give guidance on all Changeover queries.

An email will be sent to you from Postgraduate Education with a link to the new system, if you haven’t received this link within 2 weeks of your posting being confirmed please contact Medical HR via email

Northern HSC Trust are holding a Welcome Evening on Thursday 30 January 2020 for doctors in training who will be rotating there in February 2020.

Please see below for further details:

NHSCT Welcome Evening - February 2020 Rotation

Contact details for the Medical Administrators for each specialty can be found below:

Medical Administration Contacts

The Medical HR Checklist sets out all the documentation that must be submitted – information should be returned to the relevant Medical Administrator:

Medical HR Checklist

Information specific to South Eastern HSC Trust is now available from their Website.

There you will find important information regarding induction and payroll.

Please view the Southern HSC Trust Rotational Doctors Web Portal:

Here you will find all the necessary information to ensure your transition into the Southern Trust is as smooth as possible. It will also provide you with the required information for Induction.

This web portal link, including the password to access it, will be emailed to you from the Trust Medical Staffing Department.  However if you have not received this, please contact 028 3756 0106.

Information specific to Southern HSC Trust is also available below:

Information for New Rotational Doctors Joining the Southern Trust
SHSCT Contractual Information
FAQs - February 2021

Information specific to Western HSC Trust is now available HERE.

The Trust request that the following additional forms are completed together with those in the “Forms to Download” section above:

Relocation & Associated Expenses for Doctors in Training - Guidelines
Relocation/Excess Travel Eligibility for Doctors in Training - Form

WHSCT Induction Pack

  1. PASSPORT:  1 copy of photo page
  2. GMC/GDC CERTIFICATE:  Original/Renewal 1 copy
  3. EVIDENCE OF YOUR NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMBER: 1 copy of any of the following:  P45, P60, NI card (If you do not have a NI number, you need to contact your Jobs & Benefits Office without delay).
  4. EVIDENCE OF PREVIOUS SERVICE:  1 copy of your most recent payslip/staff transfer form
  5. IF APPLICABLE: EVIDENCE OF RIGHT TO WORK IN THE UK:  e.g. 1 copy of Visa Stamp on your passport & copy of HSMP letter, Workers Registration Scheme.  It is essential these forms are completed and returned IMMEDIATELY (WITH THE OTHER SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION) to ensure that the administration arrangements for your pay are completed.  Failure to do so will result in you not being paid on time.

**Please note that if you are starting with Belfast HSC Trust you must comply with the deadlines on their Website.** 

**New starts with South Eastern HSC Trust must comply with their deadlines and requirements – available HERE.**

*New starts with Southern HSC Trust must comply with their deadlines and requirements**

Please bring the ORIGINALS of these documents on your first day:

  • EVIDENCE OF YOUR NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMBER: e.g. P45, P60, NI Card (If you do not have a NI number, you need to contact your Jobs & Benefits Office without delay)
  • EVIDENCE OF PREVIOUS SERVICE: e.g. Most recent payslip/Staff Transfer Form
  • IF APPLICABLE: EVIDENCE OF RIGHT TO WORK IN THE UK: e.g. Visa Stamp & HSMP Letter, Workers Registration Scheme
  • ORIGINAL P45: This should be sent to you by Payroll in your previous employment

For full details on where to go on your first day, please refer to individual Trust internet websites or contact the relevant Medical HR Team.

Have you any queries?

If so, please contact the relevant Medical HR Team – for clarification on which HR team deals with individual hospitals please see below:

Medical HR Trust Contacts

To download a map of the HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland please click below:

HSC Trust Map